Media Creation
for Dogs

Of Reverence

hello. i am Of Reverence. you may know me as binniemf or something else. i have made funny songs and funny comics and funny stories and funny poems and i have played silly games and i have won funny prizes and i am Of Reverence. i have music of reverence and songs of reverence and stories of reverence and comics of reverence. i am Of Reverence. hello.

today i am working to share some work of mine and my friends with you. here's some selected works. i will intersperse some songs throughout this entry to allow you to enjoy them as u enjoy reading or looking or doing whatever you may want to do.

2D animation. A skeletal dog-person exits the woods and is struck by an orange car. Dialogue Start: Driver: such a nice time for a nice drive ah i love this time of year. AAAAAAAAh@!!! IS THAT A DOG WEARING A HOODIE. fUCK Oh ShIT. X_X. End Dialogue.

dent car!!??
12/17/2019 1:37 PM

ok ok. silly time is over. now it's time for something more recent. a poem. a poem of reverence.

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2D Mixed Media. A desktop pespective shows a youtube video of a scene, with a notepad document showing dialogue for the scene. Scene Description: The prior skeletal dog is sitting in a straitjacket, smiling. The perspective of the scene is from a psychiatrist, gripping a pencil and ticking off the first of five boxes, each labeled "INSANE", drawn with red text. Dialogue is outside of, and immediately following alt-text.

> "well, i got hit by a car and it seems like that's a bad thing, so what's up with that"

"You did get hit with a car! Very bad for your health. The driver told us you jumped out at him."

"yeah um. i was receiving some psychic telecommunications from a witch who told me that i need to check myself into a mental hospital to save my friend. i also am presently under the belief that i'm a talking dog and you're a bunny girl."

She jotted some things down in her notebook. "OK. Hwould you like to take some pills for us?:3"

01/07/2020 11:52 PM
(Text is highlightable)

-i love myself. i embarrass myself. i hate myself. i don't really, at least not for very long. it sure does hurt though.

-i have a typing disorder, i have a posting disorder, i have no disorders.

-i enjoy the disconnect. i enjoy looking away from lights. i benefit from cartwheels

-i have normal thoughts about being a boy. i have normal thoughts about other boys. i have normal thoughts about love.

-the world i live in is beautiful. the world i live in is scary. the world i live in is getting smaller. the world i live in is getting bigger.

-the things that keep me together are other people, music, water, food, tobacco. too much conversation, not enough physicality. too much tobacco, not enough to really get me going.

01/15/2023 8:27 PM

A did you know-style meme. Text Start: Didn't you not know? Movie previews are called previews because you pre-view. Photo: iStock.

i used to run a blog called didnt you not kno. it sucked but it rocked. it was a novelty blog about fake facts that i edited out of pictures from a different blog called didnt you kno. i think they blocked me. this is my favorite response i've gotten on that blog, before i changed it to a normal blog.

A screenshot of the tumblr post's activity. Text begin: binnie mf posted this. rueno said: this blog is so retarded. rueno liked this. End text.


how do i use this without lifting the tab
i would try calling the number but the flash from the camera blocked some of the digits

use it

I think i got it
it does not fit in the can opener

just. pop the tab.

it says not to use it if the tab is lifted

thats like . if u buy it and the tab is already lifted
then its been Tampered With or its gone off or w.e.

thats not what it says

im going to come downstairs and kiss you on the lips if you dont stop fuckign around.



she opened the tab and now i have 2 eat a soup

09/09/2019 3:49 PM


