Media Creation
for Dogs


who is heavymetalmidis and where can i find her work?

I'm crazy and i make crazy music for crazy people .
Half of it is dance music and the other half is looping layers of sampled songs and playing them freeform in a sampler (my fav part). Also half of the second half of that is aggressive sample based noise music.

you can find my music on soundcloud and bandcamp, and also some drawings on instagram too, im heavymetalmidis on all of them. theyre all listed at too

soundcloud has pretty much all my dance music on it, and bandcamp is almost entirely my freeform sampler / noise / weird stuff.

what gear/software have you been inclined to use?

For hardware:

To play notes, I mainly use the grid controller Launchpad Mk2. It was cheap as hell when i bought a used one years ago, so im assuming they're even cheaper now too (or something better).

if you get one, DEFINITELY use Launchpad95 (at least if you are using ableton), because the official controller functionality is horrible, especially compared to Launchpad95.

Launchpad95 makes it work super similarly to the Ableton Push (not nearly as powerful, but it works well enough!), though I've used the Ableton Push 2 before and its amazing, much better than the Launchpad, but a lot more expensive.

I really want to get the Push 3 someday! But i'll probably settle for a Push 2 before then, cause it is reaaaally expensive.

Sometimes i use a MicroBrute synthesizer too, but I don't really use the synthesizer anymore, and mostly just use it for the keys/pitch bend/mod wheel now (the synthesizer is good for the price, and i used it a lot a long time ago, but i've just kinda gotten bored of it now and mainly use software synths)

For CC output, i use a Launch Control XL and a foot pedal (i forget the name of it, it was just the cheapest one i could find on amazon that had usb support...).

The launch control has alright knobs/faders/buttons etc, nothing special, but having a foot pedal is so useful for controlling effects while playing notes at the same time, it's really necessary for my sampler techniques.

For software:

Ableton is definitely the DAW i've used more than anything, especially for anything freeform (and i highly recommend it for that).

Renoise is really great too, though its harder for me to get back into and relearn it whenever i stop for a long while

I use a lot of built-in ableton instruments and effects, partially cause im already experienced with them, but theyre really good relative to a lot of VST's ive tried in the past (though part of that is the convenience of it being built in...)

whenever im making music where i loop samples and play them freeform with midi notes, i pretty much exclusively use Ableton's sampler, which is really powerful and has functionality ive had a lot of trouble finding with other samplers.

It has some stuff that really annoys me, but thats mostly from me using it for so long and having a lot of opinions on how it should be improved lol.

also, I think PhasePlant can do similar things too (along with being an amazing synth) so i've been meaning to start using it instead.

some other notable VSTs are: Serum, the Korg M1 VST, FabFilter Pro Q3, CamelCrusher (the GOAT), Sausage Fattener, and other stuff i cant remember rn.
