Media Creation
for Dogs

femboy without organs

who is femboy without organs?

rat — 05/21/2023 9:47 AM
femboy without organs is a solo project of me, rat.

I occasionally have help from my girlfriend, she appears often on like field recordings i will use, but largely all the noise is done by me.

why should people care about femboy without organs?

I make noise for faggots and weirdos, cocksuckers, foot freaks, bisexual sluts, people who have unknowable genders and love to sexualize it, girls who like to be called a good boy while sucking cock, all the weirdos who love having degenerate sex.

To me, harsh noise is the perfect soundtrack for sex and fwo started as me making soundtracks for people to fuck to.

When i would have sex in my mid 20s i would often put on whitehouse or merzbow or other noise and just go at it in the faggiest way. And i think thats why people should care.

Hot sex is great and listening to noise while fucking is great.

what work are u most proud of? why?

Right now, its my most recent full length, whore. I spent a lot of time on it, working on it thematically, mastering, writing the speech at the beginning.

Its about how trans women are not allowed to have a sexuality outside being acted upon by others, being a vehicle for others' fetishes and desires.

We are used up and spit out by others when they are done taking every part they want from us. And the album is an assertion of my own sexuality, sneering at those who dont want to treat me as my own person, and an invitation to my sexual partners.

I will finish the others later, my phones about to die lol

what gear do u use? especially in ur most recent work

rat — 05/21/2023 11:14 AM
I use a combination of a few different synths and distortion pedals mostly. I have a maximal drone synth made by michael rucci, an electro-lobotomy particle smasher, and a homemade synth made by ellie voyd of seele synths.

My pedals i use are a dod death metal, a digitech death metal, a fullbore metal, a death by audio absolute destruction (a favorite to combine with the particle smasher), and a digitech digidelay.

I remember on my tiny cock album i made a lot of use of a 5 setting modulation pedal with like vibrato and flange and shit to see how itd affect no input mixing, but i havent used that one a lot since.

In my early stuff i would use two $20 overdrive and fuzz pedals, and a bass envelope filter as a sort of makeshift reverb, and i would chain them into a feedback loop into my mixer and do no input mixing that way.

And let me tell you that shit was fucking hard to do. But ive mostly moved away from no input mixing into using synths; still i would like to get back to it because it offers some pretty unique sounds.

I have two different xlr mics i use as well, a studio mic and a i dont know how to describe it, just a normal mic i guess. Those i would use early on for doing field recordings which didnt really work super well cause i had to move my entire setup around for it, mixer and all.

Now i have a standard tascam field recorder. Speaking of tascam i also would for a long time record onto casette tape with a tascam 4 track porta studio.

That was... fun, but also difficult, and its one of the reasons ive started just recording songs in single takes with no overdubbing because trying to edit on a tape recorder is so fucking hard.

I record into my computer now with an interface, but ive kinda kept that habit. I dont know what else there is, i think thats all i use for equipment. Its a lot of shit. And i wanna get more too lol

what does ur process look like?

I guess i partly answered this one already in the last one. I kind of just spend a bit looking for a patch and then i hit record and start improvising from there.

Almost all my tracks are just improvised and done in one take. Its partly laziness, partly a desire to be spontaneous, and largely based on my experience trying to record my first album It, which i tried doing overdubbing, editing, etc, all on a tape recorder and it was hell.

And i feel like it sounds so rough as a result as i was trying to learn and feel things out with no knowledge of music production.

And i had no knowledge of mastering for a bit, im still learning mastering to be honest. But i didnt really start to understand it until after 100% pure uncut cock, which is a little regrettable because thats been by far my most popular album, i think because i named a track after otokonoko pharma a few months before a whole fucking discourse started about the anime femboy hormones.

tell me about ur experience with collaboration.

rat — 05/21/2023 11:24 AM
I havent done a lot of collaboration to be honest.
Ive done a split with zoey. which is the solo noise project of mel from thotcrime, i did a split with scum alice.

I did a 4 way split called congregation a bit ago. Ive honestly always been really self conscious about my noise and fearful of rejection so i dont reach out to people to try because im always like, oh im not close to good enough to be on the same album as such and such.

But i want to do more collabs and splits, theyre fun if a bit stressful

I was at a ufo convention 4 most of yesterday, it was fun

5000 — 05/21/2023 12:30 PM
one more question for u. i loved ur answers and i just got one more
what are the plans for femboy without organs?

rat — 05/21/2023 12:52 PM
Im not sure. Im kind of feeling it out as i go. Right now im working on two things, one thats a collection of old no input mixing i recorded when i was first starting with that technique in august 2020 and rediscovered last summer.

The second thing is something i recorded last november thats somewhat of a continuation of the stuff i did on my split with scum alice.

Beyond that, im working on living life some more, making more connections and seeking inspiration from my new location in oregon.

Theres a lot more trans girls out here than there were in idaho so i have found a new sense of community, combined with my refreshed love for my girlfriend and for my best friend.

I want to get new equipment particularly a synth with a keyboard to explore new sounds. I have a lot i still want to do, after a year of basically doing nothing due to intense irl stress.

I really want to get back to creating degenerate manic fuck music for the girls after such a long break

Nya :3
